Keeping your Evolution API instance up to date is crucial for security, performance, and access to new features. The update method depends on how you initially installed the API. This guide covers the steps to update your Evolution API using Docker Compose and NPM.

Before updating Evolution, ensure that all integrated applications are working correctly with Evolution. Update at your own risk.

Updating with Docker

If you initially set up your Evolution API using Docker, follow these steps to update:

Updating with Docker CLI

If your Evolution API was initially installed using Docker Compose via the command line interface (CLI) and not through Portainer or any other container management tool, follow these steps to update it:

  1. Navigate to the Docker Compose Directory: Open a terminal and go to the directory where your Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml) is located.

  2. Pull the Latest Image: Update the Evolution API image to the latest version by running the following command:

docker-compose pull atendai/evolution-api:latest
  1. Stop and Restart the Containers: After pulling the latest image, stop the current containers and restart them. This can be done using the following command:
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

Updating with Portainer

If you are using Portainer for container management, follow these steps to update your Evolution API:

  1. Access the Portainer Dashboard: Open your Portainer dashboard in a web browser.

  2. Navigate to Your Containers: Go to the ‘Stacks’ section where your Evolution API container is listed.

  3. Update the Compose File:

    • Locate the image field in your Docker Compose configuration.
# ... (other services and configurations)
    # Update the Evolution API image version here
    # Use 'atendai/evolution-api:latest' for the latest version
    # Or specify a specific version like 'atendai/evolutionapi:v1.6.0'
    image: atendai/evolution-api:v1.x.x
      - your_network

# ... (remaining Docker Compose configuration)
  • Update the value to atendai/evolution-api:latest for the latest version, or use atendai/evolutionapi:v1.x.x for a specific version.
  • After making the changes, click the ‘Deploy’ button at the bottom of the compose editing window.
  1. Verify the Update: After recreating the container, verify that the Evolution API is running on the latest version. This can usually be checked via the API version endpoint or logs.

For production environments, it is advisable to specify a specific version of the Evolution API (e.g., atendai/evolution-api:v1.x.x) instead of using latest. This practice ensures stability and predictability, protecting your production environment from potential issues caused by unexpected changes in the latest version.

Updating with NPM

Updating your Evolution API installation via NPM involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition to the new version. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Clean and Stop: Clean all PM2 logs, useful for troubleshooting after the update, and temporarily stop the Evolution API to apply updates safely.
# Clean all PM2 logs
pm2 flush

# Stop the current Evolution API process
pm2 stop ApiEvolution
  1. Reset the Local Repository and Pull the Latest Updates: Ensure your local codebase is synchronized with the latest commit and pull the latest updates from the repository. Optionally, switch to a specific version if not using the latest. This is recommended for production environments.
# Reset your local repository to the latest commit
git reset --hard HEAD

# Pull the latest updates from the repository
git pull

# For a specific version, use 'git checkout main' for the latest,
# or 'git checkout 1.x.x' for a specific version. Example:
git checkout 1.x.x
  1. Clean Installation: Remove the current node_modules directory to avoid potential conflicts with new dependencies and install the required Node.js dependencies for the updated version.
# Remove the current node_modules directory to ensure a clean installation
rm -rf node_modules

# Install the dependencies with NPM
npm i

# Restart the Evolution API with the updated version
pm2 start ApiEvolution

# Optionally, view the PM2 logs for the Evolution API
pm2 log ApiEvolution