Evolution API is a project dedicated to empowering small businesses, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and individuals with limited resources.

Our mission is to provide a WhatsApp™ messaging solution via API, enabling these groups to strengthen their local or online businesses.

Best of all, our service is completely free, designed to support those striving to succeed in a competitive market landscape.

Access our repository and join our community to be a part of the project.

Quick Start

You will need to have Docker installed on your machine; see the Official Docker Documentation.

To run the test version and test the main features of the API, copy the command below, change the value of AUTHENTICATION_API_KEY to one of your choice, and execute the command:

docker run -d \
    --name evolution_api \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e AUTHENTICATION_API_KEY=change-me \
CLI execution is recommended for quick deployments, mainly for testing or development. It should not be used in production. Instead, we recommend using docker-compose for easier deployment and maintenance.

This will run a Docker container exposing the application on port 8080, and you can start testing and requesting the WhatsApp QR code using the authentication variable content with the apikey header set.

To ensure the API is running, access http://localhost:8080 in your browser. This should be the response from your browser:

   "message":"Welcome to the Evolution API, it is working!",


Learn how to install the full version at: