Messaging and Group Features

Messages (Individual or Group)

Send Text(Plain text, bold, italic, strikethrough, code format, and emojis)
Send Media(Video, image, and document)
Send Voice Message(Works well on Android and iOS)
Send Location(With name and description of the place)
Send Contact(With Name, Company, Phone, Email, and URL)
Send Reaction(Send any emoji as a reaction)
Send Link Preview(Fetches SEO information) 🆕
Send Reply(Mark messages as a reply) 🆕
Send Mention(Individual, to some or all members) 🆕
Send Poll(Send and receive votes on a poll) 🆕
Send Status/Story(Text, link preview, video, image, and waveform) 🆕
Send Sticker(Static image) 🆕
Send List (Staging)(Testing)
Send Buttons (Discontinued)(Only works on cloud API)


Update Name(Change the connected profile name)
Update Photo(Change the connected profile picture) 🆕
Update Status(Change the connected profile status) 🆕
And many more…


Create Group(New groups)
Update Photo(Change group photo)
Update Subject(Change group name) 🆕
Update Description(Change group description) 🆕
Get All Groups(Get all groups and participants) 🆕
And many more…