The Evolution API allows integration with Typebot to automate interactions and respond to WhatsApp messages based on configured triggers. Below, you will find detailed instructions on how to configure, manage sessions, manually initiate bots, and use predefined variables.

1. Configuring Bots in Typebot

You can configure various bots in Typebot using triggers to start interactions. The bot configuration can be done via the /typebot/create/{{instance}} endpoint.

Endpoint for Bot Configuration


POST {{baseUrl}}/typebot/create/{{instance}}

Request Body

Here is an example JSON body to configure a bot:

    "enabled": true,
    "url": "",
    "typebot": "my-typebot-uoz1rg9",
    "triggerType": "keyword",
    "triggerOperator": "regex",
    "triggerValue": "^atend.*",
    "expire": 20,
    "keywordFinish": "#EXIT",
    "delayMessage": 1000,
    "unknownMessage": "Message not recognized",
    "listeningFromMe": false,
    "stopBotFromMe": false,
    "keepOpen": false,
    "debounceTime": 10

Explanation of Parameters

  • enabled: Activates (true) or deactivates (false) the bot.
  • url: The URL of the Typebot API (without the trailing /).
  • typebot: The public name of the bot in Typebot.
  • triggerType: The type of trigger to start the bot (keyword, all, none).
  • triggerOperator: The operator used to evaluate the trigger (contains, equals, startsWith, endsWith, regex).
  • triggerValue: The value used in the trigger (e.g., a keyword or regex).
  • expire: Time in minutes after which the bot expires, restarting if the session has expired.
  • keywordFinish: Keyword that, when received, ends the bot session.
  • delayMessage: Delay (in milliseconds) to simulate typing before sending a message.
  • unknownMessage: Message sent when the user’s input is not recognized.
  • listeningFromMe: Determines if the bot should listen to messages sent by the user themselves (true or false).
  • stopBotFromMe: Determines if the bot should stop when the user sends a message (true or false).
  • keepOpen: Keeps the session open, preventing the bot from restarting for the same contact.
  • debounceTime: Time (in seconds) to combine multiple messages into one.

2. Managing Typebot Sessions

You can manage Typebot sessions for each specific contact, changing the session status between open, paused, or closed.

Endpoint for Session Management


POST {{baseUrl}}/typebot/changeStatus/{{instance}}

Request Body

Here is an example of how to manage the session status:

    "remoteJid": "",
    "status": "closed"

Explanation of Parameters

  • remoteJid: JID (identifier) of the contact on WhatsApp.
  • status: Session status (opened, paused, closed).

3. Default Typebot Configuration

You can set default configurations that will be applied if parameters are not passed during bot creation.

Default Configuration

Here is an example of a default configuration:

    "expire": 20,
    "keywordFinish": "#EXIT",
    "delayMessage": 1000,
    "unknownMessage": "Message not recognized",
    "listeningFromMe": false,
    "stopBotFromMe": false,
    "keepOpen": false,
    "debounceTime": 10,
    "ignoreJids": [],
    "typebotIdFallback": "clyja4oys0a3uqpy7k3bd7swe"

Explanation of Parameters

  • expire: Time in minutes after which the bot expires.
  • keywordFinish: Keyword that ends the bot session.
  • delayMessage: Delay to simulate typing before sending a message.
  • unknownMessage: Message sent when the user’s input is not recognized.
  • listeningFromMe: Determines if the bot should listen to messages sent by the user themselves.
  • stopBotFromMe: Determines if the bot should stop when the user sends a message.
  • keepOpen: Keeps the session open, preventing the bot from restarting for the same contact.
  • debounceTime: Time to combine multiple messages into one.
  • ignoreJids: List of JIDs of contacts that will not trigger the bot.
  • typebotIdFallback: ID of the fallback bot to be used if no trigger is activated.

4. Active Bot Initialization

In addition to using triggers, you can actively start a bot for a specific contact using the /typebot/start/{{instance}} endpoint.

Endpoint for Active Initialization


POST {{baseUrl}}/typebot/start/{{instance}}

Request Body

Here is an example of how to actively start a bot:

    "url": "",
    "typebot": "fluxo-unico-3uuso28",
    "remoteJid": "",
    "startSession": false,
    "variables": [
            "name": "pushName",
            "value": "Davidson Gomes"

Explanation of Parameters

  • url: The URL of the Typebot API (without the trailing /).
  • typebot: The public name of the bot in Typebot.
  • remoteJid: JID (identifier) of the contact on WhatsApp.
  • startSession: Determines if the session should start with the bot (true or false).
  • variables: Custom variables that can be passed to the bot (e.g., user’s name).

Predefined Variables

When a Typebot session is initiated, some predefined variables are automatically sent:

const prefilledVariables = {
    remoteJid: "JID of the contact",
    pushName: "Contact's name",
    instanceName: "Name of the instance",
    serverUrl: "API server URL",
    apiKey: "Evolution API key",
    ownerJid: "JID of the number connected to the instance"

Explanation of Predefined Variables

  • remoteJid: JID of the contact interacting with the bot.
  • pushName: Name of the contact on WhatsApp.
  • instanceName: Name of the instance running the bot.
  • serverUrl: URL of the server where the Evolution API is hosted.
  • apiKey: API key used to authenticate requests.
  • ownerJid: JID of the phone number connected to the instance.

Interaction with Variables Passed in startTypebot

When you use the startTypebot endpoint, the variables passed in the request body are combined with the predefined variables. This allows you to add or overwrite specific information to further customize the bot interaction.

Final Considerations

Integration of the Evolution API with Typebot offers a powerful and flexible way to automate interactions on WhatsApp. With predefined variables and the ability to actively start bots, you can personalize the user experience and optimize customer service workflows.